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Currency The basic Syrian currency is the “Syrian Pound”. The denominations of Syrian
banknotes in circulation are SYP 1000, SYP 500, SYP 200, SYP 100, SYP 50, SYP
25, SYP 10, and SYP 5 Denominations.  1000
SYP | |  1000
| |  500 SYP | |  500 SYP |
| |  200 SYP | |  200 SYP |
| |  100 SYP | |  100 SYP |
| |  50 SYP | |  50 SYP |
| |  25 SYP | |  25 SYP |
| |  10 SYP | |  10 SYP |
| |  5 SYP | |  5 SYP |
| | | |  5 SYP | |  5 SYP | |  10 SYP | |  10 SYP |
| |  25 SYP | |  25 SYP |
| Exchange average between the
Syrian Pound and other main currencies: 1 USD = 46 SYP 1 EURO = 73 SYP 1 British Pound = 104 SYP Updated on April, 24th 2008 Latest published Banknotes New layer... New layer... New layer... |